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  • Brian Fisher | Herndon High School Band

    < Back Brian Fisher Jazz Band Coming Soon Previous Next

  • Salvatore Boenzi | Herndon High School Band

    < Back Salvatore Boenzi Guard Coming Soon Previous Next

  • Wind Ensemble | Herndon High School Band

    < Back Wind Ensemble The Herndon High School Wind Ensemble is composed of the most advanced student-musicians and is open by audition only. It includes members from all four classes at Herndon High, meeting for one period daily and usually one evening per week during the concert season. The Wind Ensemble’s achievements over the past several decades have been most noteworthy. Beginning in 1978 with a Grand Championship in Florida, the band has continued to excel on the competitive stage, have won over 38 First Place or Grand Championship awards. Among its highlights are twice retiring the Governor’s Cup at the Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival (a six year participation involving more than 200 concert bands from every state in the nation), many Gold Medal awards, and outstanding memories of superb music performances. In 1991, the Herndon Wind Ensemble was the only band selected for the Sudler Flag of Honor . This award, endowed by Louis and Virginia Sudler and sponsored by the John Philip Sousa Foundation, was established as a means of honoring the nation’s finest high school concert band programs. Through a rigorous selection process involving a seven year commitment, only 36 high school bands have been selected since its inception. The Wind Ensemble consistently achieves “Virginia Honor Band” recognition and receives superior ratings at all-district band festivals. They have been officially recognized by the Commonwealth of Virginia, Fairfax County, and the Town of Herndon for their music excellence Previous Next

  • President | Herndon High School Band

    < Back Previous Next President Shadow Needed Lynn Reda Board The President will be the principal executive officer of the HHSBPA with primary authority in all areas and, subject to the Board of Directors, shall: Supervise the management of the HHSBPA in accordance with these bylaws; Preside over all Board of Directors and Association meetings; Provide an agenda for each Board of Directors and Association meeting at least two (2) days in advance of such meeting; Serve as a liaison to the Director of Bands; Serve as the official HHSBPA spokesperson; Monitor all financial accounts and supervise the preparation of the annual budget. Previous Next

  • Ensembles | Herndon High School Band

    Ensembles Select Ensemble Marching Band The Pride of Herndon Marching Band was founded in 1947 and is the oldest band in Fairfax County. The Pride performs at all home Varsity Football games, hosts a competition each September, performs at the Virginia State Assessment, and competes up and down the East coast throughout the fall. READ MORE Color Guard The HHS Color Guard is part of the HHS Marching Band. Color guards or flag corps are teams of performers who perform choreographed dances and routines with various equipment to enhance and interpret the music of a marching band or drum and bugle corps show. READ MORE Indoor Drumline The Herndon Indoor Drumline is our indoor competitive percussion unit. We practice twice weekly throughout the winter and early spring and we will perform at four weekend contests in February and March. READ MORE Jazz Band The Jazz Band is a small ensemble designed to promote the study of jazz literature, emphasizing improvisation and styles of the jazz idiom. Students meet after school once marching season has ended and receive a half credit for course participation. READ MORE Percussion Ensemble Percussion Ensemble meets every other day to rehearse as both an independent small ensemble and as a supplement to the Symphonic Band percussion section. READ MORE Symphonic Band The Herndon High School Symphonic Band generally performs between Grade III-V literature READ MORE Symphonic Winds The Herndon High School Symphonic Winds is our newest ensemble, open by audition only and performing VBODA Grade IV-VI literature. READ MORE Wind Ensemble The Herndon High School Wind Ensemble is composed of the most advanced student-musicians and is open by audition only. It includes members from all four classes at Herndon High, meeting for one period daily and usually one evening per week during the concert season. READ MORE

  • Podcast | Herndon High School Band

    pride of herndon PODCAST

  • Past Directors | Herndon High School Band

    Past Directors The Pride of Herndon would not be what it is today without the dedication and commitment of its illustrious band directors. This page highlights those who have helped shape the Herndon Band Program over the years. ​ Valdemar Johnson , 1947 – 1958 Fritz Velke , 1958 – 1964 ... He won the 1962 Ostwald Award for "Concertino for Band" WHILE he was the HHS band director!!! James Swiney , 1964 - 1968 Larry Willis , 1968 – 1971 George Duman , 1971 – 1978 Richard Bergman , 1978 - 2008 If you have additional information or dates on the above directors, please contact and ​ read about our past directors Richard Bergman, Director of Bands at Herndon High School, 1978-2008 Mr. Richard Bergman, a native of New York City, New York, is a graduate of the University of Maryland where he received his Bachelor of Music Education Degree in 1967 and his Master of Education Degree in 1975. He began his teaching career in Prince George’s County, Maryland where he taught both junior and senior high school. From 1971-1977 he directed the Crossland High School Symphonic Band which he developed into one of the finest ensembles in the Mid-Atlantic States. Mr. Bergman began his career at Herndon High School in 1978, and retired after 30 years in 2008. Under his direction the band program at Herndon received national recognition for its excellence of performance in clinics, concerts, festivals and competitions. Among its many appearances, the band has performed at the Mid-East Music Convention, Pittsburgh, Pa. in 1985; twice at the prestigious Mid-west International Band and Orchestra Convention Chicago, IL in 1987 and 1995; the Music Educator’s National Conference 53rd National In-Service Convention, New Orleans, LA in 1992 and in Tennesse in 2003; tne American Band Masters Convention in Baltimore, MD in 2004 (where the band received a three minute standing ovation); and four times at the Virginia Music Educators Convention. Under Mr. Bergman’s direction, the HHS band has received over thirty first place and grand champion awards at every competition it has participated in since 1982. Mr. John Paynter, chairman of the music department at Northwestern University, has described the Herndon bands as being among the finest and most musical ensembles in the United States. In 1991 the Herndon Wind Ensemble was named by the John Philip Sousa Foundation as that year’s only recipient of the Sudler Flag of Honor. This is the highest national honor any concert band program can receive. Mr. Bergman is a member of Phi Mu Alpha, The Virginia Band and Orchestra Director’s Association, Music Educator’s National Conference, National Band Association, Percussive Arts Society, National Association of Jazz Educator’s and the Fairfax County Federation of Teachers. He was president of the Maryland Band Directors Association and was also editor of their solo and ensemble and concert list manual. In 1995 Mr. Bergman was elected into the American Bandmasters Association. On numerous occasions the Board of Supervisors of Fairfax County, Virginia and the Board of Education in Prince George’s County, Maryland have cited Mr. Bergman for his outstanding contributions to music education. Included in these honors are ten “Commendations of Excellence” from the Fairfax County Board of Education. In addition, his bands have been recognized for their excellence by the legislatures of Virginia and Maryland. He has also received nine Commendations of Excellence from the National Band Directors Association, and in 1994 was listed in the Who’s Who of American Educators. In 2008 Mr. Bergman was named teacher of the year by the Herndon-Reston Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Bergman has served as an active adjudicator, clinician, consultant, and guest conductor in many of the Mid-Atlantic, Southern and Northeastern states. Presently Mr. Bergman is the conductor of the King’s Park Adult Community Band in Burke, VA. Chuck Hawkins, Assistant Director of Bands at Herndon High School, 1988-2008 ​ Since 1988, Mr. Hawkins has been the Assistant Director at Herndon High School and was responsible for production design, program coordination and all on-field aspects of The Pride of Herndon Marching Band. Chuck (who refuses to be called “sir”) brings a broad experience working with youth, and credits band activities with “making me what I am today.” A veteran of nearly four years with the U.S. Marine Drum and Bugle Corps of Washington, D.C. and five years on the band staff of Falls Church High School, Chuck has also served on the staff of the Magic of Orlando Drum and Bugle Corps. In his spare time, Chuck is a Battalion Chief in the Fairfax County Fire & Rescue Department. ​ George Eugene Duman, Jr. (1936-2013) Gene Duman was Herndon High School’s fifth band director, serving from 1971 to 1978. He was born in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, but grew up in Baltimore, where his outstanding tuba playing won him a full four-year scholarship to The Peabody Conservatory of Music. Upon graduating, he came to Fairfax County and in 1962, opened Edison High School, where his bands were consistently awarded “Superior” ratings at District Festival. Moving to Herndon in 1971, he replicated his success at Edison, starting a host of HHS Band Traditions in the process. 1971 saw the first-ever Tag Day Concert. In 1972, he founded the Wind Ensemble as the school’s premiere concert band, and designated the Symphonic Band as the program’s core marching unit, giving the latter group a mission all its own and a newfound pride to go with it. He conducted the first HHS musical with a full pit orchestra – “The Music Man” – in 1974, and made Jazz Band and Music Theory classes for credit. And in 1972, he had the marching band play “You’ve Said It All” which, to the surprise of pretty much everyone – including Mr. Duman – promptly became The Unofficial HHS Fight Song. He departed Herndon in style in 1978, with the Wind Ensemble winning a major, three-day-long national band competition in Florida. In the words of a former student, “With Mr. Duman, band was always exciting, educational, challenging, musically rewarding – and more fun than anyone should be allowed to have in a school building.” Gene Duman’s seven years at HHS had – and continue to have – a tremendously positive impact both on the those he taught, and on the structure and success of the Herndon band program. It is that life and musical legacy which we celebrate at the HHS Band 2013 Winter Concert. ​ Mitchell Samuel Bender (1934-2013) - Band Director at Herndon Intermediate School from 1966 to 1984 Mitch Bender was the band director at Herndon Intermediate School from 1966 to 1984. Born and raised in Aurora, Illinois, he took up trumpet at an early age and attended Chicago’s VanderCook College of Music, from which he earned a B.A. in Music Education in 1958. Mr. Bender began his teaching career in his native Illinois, moving to Fairfax County and Herndon Intermediate in 1966, where his bands routinely earned “Excellent” or “Superior” ratings. Mr. Bender’s fine work at Herndon Intermediate ensured that a steady stream of outstanding freshman musicians was funneled into the HHS band program for almost 20 years, directly contributing to the latter program’s golden reputation and success. Mr. Bender’s musical achievements were to continue in a similar vein when he became the founding band director at Reston’s Langston Hughes Middle School in 1984. After retiring in 1994, Mr. Bender remained an active presence in the local school band community, often serving as an announcer at VBODA District Festivals. In retirement, he also founded MSB Publishing, Inc., which boasted over 200 titles in its catalogue by highly-regarded composers such as Elliot Del Borgo, Joseph Compiello, and Dr. Robert Cameron. A gifted composer and arranger in his own right, Mr. Bender wrote fluently and well for band, orchestra, chorus, solo voice, and virtually every instrument imaginable. But most especially, Mitch Bender drew on his decades of classroom experience to craft dozens of attractive, high-quality selections that could be played and enjoyed by the sort of aspiring young musicians that he taught, knew, and loved so well. ​ Update on Fritz Velke, James Marvin Swiney and Larry Willis - On June 7th, 2019 we received this interesting and informative email from Alumni Luther H. Nossett (Class of '69) where he talks us about three of the band directors listed above !!! Here goes - ​ Good Morning: I was in the HHS band from 1963 to 1969 and knew the all three of the directors for which your site requested information. We are celebrating our 50th Anniversary of graduation this weekend and coupled with the band's trip to Normandy, one of our class members was viewing your site and found the request for more information on these men. I will share what I know personally, and refer you to other resources I have found. Fritz Velke was the band director at Herndon in 1963, our year in 7th grade. You may not be able to imagine how small Herndon was at that time, but the intermediate school was co-located with the high school at that time on Locust Street. Two or three weeks into the school year during middle school band class, Mr. Velke instructed about 6 of us to go into the uniform room and try to find a uniform that fit (or almost). We thought it was really cool that he allowed us to try on the high school uniforms, never expecting what happened next. As we assembled for his inspection, he said " ok, be here at 6:00 pm, you are now in the high school band and are going to Winchester tonight for the football game". We were all shocked, but our addition to the band brought the total members up to about 45. Mr. Velke left Herndon in June of 1964 but remained in the Fairfax County school system. I don't remember where he went, but in 1966 or 67, I was in the all-regional band and Mr. Velke appeared as a guest conductor to direct one of his compositions, "Plaything for a Bunch of All Stars". That is the last I ever saw Mr. Velke, but I did learn he had passed a number of years ago. See and The picture in the second article is exactly as I remember him. I have attached a picture from the 1964 Cherry Blossom Festival Parade, where we wore the old style uniforms. In the fall of 1964 James Marvin Swiney assumed leadership of the Herndon Hornet band. Mr. Swiney had recently been as assistant director at Florida State University and provided more direction in marching band, producing more complex halftime shows than previously performed. Mr, Swiney was a very religious man and cared about the student's character development as well as musical development. Many class periods were spent in lectures on values and morals and not on musical issues. In 1966 and 1967 Mr. Swiney took the Stage Band to Grundy, Virginia to play a benefit concert for the Mountain Mission School,an orphanage serving the Appalachian regions of Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia. Those trips were very enlightening for us to see the poverty of the area, to increase our gratitude for what we had and increase our awareness and appreciation for those less fortunate than we. In 1967 we participated in the Southeastern Band Festival in Bristol, Virginia, a big trip for us a we spent two nights in a hotel. The festival included a parade and a halftime show. There were about 75 bands in the event and we got a good rating, although I don't remember the specifics. I do remember watching 74 other halftime shows, it was a very long day! In early 1968, the band collectively decided that we wanted to win the National Cherry Blossom Festival and we practiced for 3 months or more for that goal. There were three parts of the competition, a symphonic portion, a halftime show and the feature parade on Saturday. We played the symphonic portion on Thursday, April 4, 1968 and had our picture taken on the Ellipse, in front of the White House. Unbeknownst to us at the same time we were competing, Martin Luther King was being assassinated in Memphis. Riots followed and the remainder of the festival was cancelled. We were told that although we appeared to be the best band in the competition, they awarded the trophy to the band that travelled the greatest distance, only to have their time in D.C. cut short. I have attached a copy of that picture with Mr. Swiney at the right. I have previously sent this copy to the school. In June of 1968 Mr. Swiney resigned from HHS to take a senior position at the Mountain Mission School in Grundy, eventually becoming President of the school. His wife's grandfather had started the school and the Swineys felt called to serve God by helping others through that organization. He is now retired and at 84 is living in Abington, Virginia. I was in the band under Mr. Willis for one year, but I do not know any information about him or where he went after he left Herndon. I do believe he had worked at the University of Alabama for sometime before his tenure at HHS. Victor Bernhards who was a band director in the Fairfax County School system was our classmate and he may have more information on Mr. Willis. Please let me know if I can help you in any manner and thank you for your support of the D Day observance. Luther H. Nossett Class of 1969

  • Band Glossary | Herndon High School Band

    band glossary glossary Auxiliary The term originally used for the flag/rifle carriers who stood at the front of marching show. Evolved into modern Color Guard when dance and decorative flags were added. Now known as Guard or Color Guard; see Guard/Color Guard for more details. BOA Bands of America An organization that manages and oversees marching band competitions. For more information Battery Marching Band percussion section that carries drums and marches; is comprised of snare drums, bass drums, and quads (see Quads). Cadence The beat played by percussion during a parade to indicate the marching pace. Also played as the band marches off the field after a field show or rehearsal. Caption Awards Various awards a marching band can win at competitions, can include: Drum Major, Drumline, Auxiliary, Music, Marching, General Effect, Percussion Class Grand Champion, Pit Crew and Audience Spirit Awards, Overall Class Champion (based on highest points across all classes.) Points can total up to 100 for each adjudicated category. Clinicians Personnel hired to help out with various sections of the band, as in brass instructor or drumline instructor. Color Guard A group of students who add color and style to marching band performances with flags and other props. Formerly know as Auxiliary, the term originally used for the flag/rifle carriers who stood at the front of marching show that evolved into modern-day color guard when dance and decorative flags were added. Drill The steps and positions that make up the Marching Band show. (see Sets) Drill Book The notebook that holds each individual student’s drill for the Marching Band show. Drill Down A marching skills contest conducted along the lines of “Simon Says.” Contest is one of the highlights of the parent show at the end of band camp. Drum Major(s) Student conductor(s) who direct the marching band as it plays. Drumline The entire percussion section of the Marching Band; includes both the PIT and the Battery. Flags Flags/silks used by the Guard during a Marching Band show. Front Ensemble Formerly known as PIT. Marching Band percussion section that does not march but rather plays on the sidelines and are staged at the front of the band during marching competitions. It is comprised of instruments such as tympani, xylophones, gongs, etc. Gauntlets Wrist and lower-arm covering; part of Marching Band/Guard uniform. Indoor Drumline A competitive Percussion group that includes both the Battery and the Front Ensemble that compete after the Marching Band season is over Welcomes non-percussionists as well. For more information Indoor Guard A competitive Guard group that competes after the Marching Band season is over. Welcomes those who weren't a part of Guard during the Marching Band season. For more information PIT Percussion Instrument Team Now known as Front Ensemble; see Front Ensemble for more information PIT Crew A group of parent volunteers who assist students that are in the Front Ensemble, formerly known as PIT, before and after the band preforms at a competition. Responsiblities include helping to get the instruments on and off the field within the allotted time frame, assisting students load and unload percussion instruments on and off the truck, and helping the Front Ensemble students assemble their instruments and set up for competition. Also known as "Pit Parents" Pep Band Small subset of the band that plays for the away football games. Plumes The feathered portion of the Marching Band hats (very fragile); provided by band. Podium Raised platform upon which conductors stand. Also known as Tower Quads Set of 4 connected drums carried by member of the battery. Also known as Teners or Tener Drums Red Box A locked box that hangs on the door next to Mrs. Jacoby’s office in the band hallway This box is used to send/turn in materials to the Band Parent’s Association. It is the location where most forms and items can be dropped for pick-up by the BPA Treasurer. NEVER PUT CASH IN THE RED BOX. All money that is deposited in the RED BOX should be in the form of a check. Generally, checks can be made payable to HHSBPA unless other instructions have been given. All materials deposited into the RED BOX should be inside a sealed envelope with the Band Member’s name clearly marked on the outside. It is recommended that a brief description of the contents also be marked on the outside of the envelope. Rifles Imitation rifles the Guard use in a Marching Band show. (They’re heavy!) Run-through Practicing the Marching Band show. Sabers Docorative swords that the Guard uses in a Marching Band show. Scoring See section in BOA Adjudicators Handbook, starting on page 24 for a description of scoring for BOA. Scoring rules are not universal across judging organizations, but this is a nice insight into the whole process from a judge’s point of view. Section Band student who is in charge of a Marching Band instrument section; such as “alto sax section leader.” Section Leader Band student who is in charge of a Marching Band instrument section; such as “alto sax section leader.” Sectional A practice or rehearsal by a section of instruments. Sets Sub-set of the shows. Solo and Ensemble Festival VBODA music competition for individuals and small music groups, for example “clarinet quartet” or “brass choir” held in the Spring. Step Off The precise moment when a Marching Band parade performance starts. Tag Day A fundraiser where students go door-to-door presenting tags with the band performance schedule printed on it to community members while soliciting donations to the band. Tenor Drums Set of 4 connected drums carried by member of the battery. Also known as Quads Tower Raised platform upon which conductors stand. Also known as Podium USSBA United States Scholastic Bands Association Oversees marching band competitions. For more information VBODA Virginia Bands and Orchestra Directors Association Governing body for the Solo and Ensemble Festival and state marching competitions. For more information VMBC Virginia Marching Band Cooperative Non Profit organization for Herndon Showcase of Bands VMBC is a non-profit marching band circuit founded, structured, administrated, implemented and monitored by the board of directors to educationally and artistically benefit Virginia bands Winds The non-percussion part of the band; any instrument that is played by blowing air.

  • Scholarships | Herndon High School Band

    SCHOLARSHIPS The Herndon Band is proud to announce the following scholarship programs for graduating seniors: Each scholarship offers a college-bound graduating student a one-time payment. For those individuals and organizations who would are interested in discussing a sponsorship of a scholarship for band and/or and color guard students, please contact Kathleen Jacoby, Director of Bands, Herndon High School. ​ Details of each scholarship can be found below:​ Richard Bergman Music Education Scholarship Eric Hirt Scholarship The Pride Award Barb Winningham Memorial Scholarship APPLICATIONS Richard Bergman Music Education Scholarship (Established May 2009) Scholarship Summary The Richard L. Bergman Music Education Scholarship is designed to recognize the graduating band senior who displays a strong interest in music with a preference given to a student pursuing a college degree in music. The student must also demonstrate a strong academic and extra-curricular background. Richard Bergman Scholarship Application Richard Bergman Scholarship Recipients 2024 – Jason Coleman 2023 – Liz Morad 2022 – Adrienne Pinover 2021 – Jake Cuppernull 2020 – Ethan Morad 2019 – Kacey Hillebrand 2018 – James Adams 2017 – Shennan O’Day 2016 - Aimee Toner 2015 – Christine Horting 2014 – Tiberiu Baicoianu 2013 – Jacob Bennett 2012 – Caitlin Williams 2011 – Ryan Little 2010 – Matt Breuer 2009 – Meghan Walsh Richard Bergman Scholarship Criteria The HHSBPA will annually award a one-time $1,000.00 scholarship in the name of Richard Bergman, Band Director for Herndon High School 1978 – 2008 in order to honor his service and history in the Pride of Herndon Band Program. The recipient will be a senior member of the Pride of Herndon Band who displays a strong interest in music with a preference given to the students pursuing a college degree in music. In addition, the students must demonstrate active participation in many facets of the music program at Herndon High School. The current Director of the Band at Herndon High School will select the top five candidates for Mr. Bergman to review and select the recipient. The candidates will be required to complete an application including an essay question. The recipient of this scholarship must be a current member of the Herndon Band program at the time of application. The recipient will normally be presented the award at the annual Spring Band Award Ceremony by Mr. Bergman or his designee. The recipient will be responsible to notify their college of the need to present the HHSBPA with proof of attendance to their college and a mailing address to send the $1,000 award. Eric Hirt Scholarship (Established in 2009) Scholarship Summary The Eric Hirt Scholarship was created to honor the memory of Eric Hirt, who was an incredible band parent volunteer. Eric passed away in October of 2008, but he left an indelible mark on the Pride of Herndon Band with his selfless, dedicated and nurturing volunteer work. The student awarded this scholarship best exemplified the character and dedication to the band that Eric Hirt displayed for ten years. Eric Hirt Scholarship Recipients 2024 – Eric King 2023 – David Merlos 2022 – Matt Vierow 2021 – Samantha Fast 2020 - Erika Hausladen 2019 – Cobrina Chu 2018 – Harold Treminio 2017 – Theresa Vierow 2016 - Scott Walker 2015 – Elizabeth Pater 2014 – Catherine Lambert 2013 – Margaret Shaw 2012 – Austin Miller 2011 – Samhita Nelamengala 2010 – Mary Brady 2009 – Carrie Kurtz Eric Hirt Scholarship Criteria ​ The HHSBPA annually awards a one-time $500.00 scholarship in the name of Eric Hirt, long-time volunteer, contributor and former HHSBPA President and board member. ​ The recipient was a graduating senior member of the Pride of Herndon Band who exemplified the qualities of dedication, integrity, and selflessness to the band that Eric exhibited during the ten years that he was an active member of the HHSBPA. The Band Director selected the scholarship recipient after May 1st of each year. Band, Guard, Drumline and Jazz Band students were considered for this award. The recipient was presented the award at the annual Spring awards ceremony by a member of the Hirt family or a family designee. As part of the presentation of the award, Eric Hirt’s biography was read to explain to the audience who he was and what he contributed to the Pride of Herndon Band. A copy of his biography will be presented to the award recipient. The check for this scholarship was given directly to the student recipient. Criteria for selection of the recipient for this scholarship were: Graduating senior member of the Pride of Herndon Band. Demonstrated dedication to the Pride of Herndon Band. Recognized by fellow Band members and instructors as a person of honor, good character and integrity. Contributes time and effort to the Pride of Herndon Band above and beyond expectations. Must be accepted by a college and planning to attend that college. Eric Hirt Biography Eric Hirt began his volunteer career in 1998 when his son, Justin, joined the Pride of Hendon Band. He started with the Pit crew. If it had wheels on it, Eric drove it. Although his son graduated in 2002 and his daughters Erica and Melinda didn’t start with the band until 2003, Eric continued to volunteer for the Pride of Herndon. In addition to the Pit crew, Eric worked on or ran the Showcase of Bands fundraiser every year, and chaired various competitions at HHS like the Drumline competition and Middle School Band Festival. He served as Vice President and President of the HHSBPA for several years, all the while driving trucks, loading instruments, and cooking at barbeques for students and parents. He also created the web site for our Pride of Herndon Band. He was awarded the Nancy Katz Award in 2007, and the Town of Herndon proclaimed June 17, 2005 as “Eric Hirt Day” for his valuable contributions to our band. Sadly, Eric passed away in October of 2008. He was a caring, steady, and hard-working volunteer who did all he did because he cared so very much for the students. Eric always had a smile on his face, and made hard work lots of fun. His dedication made the Pride of Herndon Band a better place for students and parents alike. We honor Eric for his service to our Band, and award this scholarship in his name. The Pride Award Scholarship Summary ​ The Pride Award is a one-time $1500 scholarship awarded to a student who exemplifies the following characteristics: Pride: The student has demonstrated Pride as part of the Pride of Herndon community. Pride is reflected in how the student treats oneself and the broader community. Compassion: The student treats others with compassion and empathy. This trait ultimately shows pride in oneself and a respect for one’s peers. Community Builder: The student finds ways to help members of the band feel included, through personal interaction or through more organized, yet not necessarily formal efforts. ​ ​ Pride Award Recipients 2024 – Amran Ahmed 2023 – Eduardo Naula 2022 – Sheila Villareal 2021 - Yeimy Cardoza 2020 – Zoey Birman 2019 – Diego Acosta Argueta 2018- Allison Bliss 2017 – Tommy Eccleston 2016 – Julia Picchiottino In Memoriam Barbara Winningham Scholarship Scholarship Summary The Barbara Winningham Memorial Scholarship is designed to recognize a graduating senior who may have faced health challenges but continue to press their way to achieve their educational goals OR is a participant in HHS Band or HHS Step Team. Barb Winningham Memorial Scholarship Application Barb Winningham Memorial Scholarship Criteria This is a one-time $1,000.00 scholarship in the name of Barbara Winningham to a student who battles/has battled a chronic illness OR is a participant in HHS Band or HHS Step Team with a GPA of 3.0 or higher who plans to attend 2-or4-year college/university and serves community, in some capacity. ​ Scholarship Background Barb Winningham was an active parent in the Herndon Community for 8 years while her two daughters, Kelly and Stacey, were students at Herndon High School. She supported her daughters with great enthusiasm as they marched on the field, played their instruments in high school band concerts, and performed on the step team. In her last years of life, Mrs. Winningham battled kidney disease which caused her to have multiple medical visits to try to help her live her life to the fullest. She persevered as much as possible, given the diagnosis, to ensure that she supported and provided for husband, children, and grandchildren. It is in her honor that we award this scholarship to a student who may have faced health challenges but continue to press their way to achieve their educational goals.

  • Pride Cam | Herndon High School Band

    PRIDE CAM webmaster Halftime 9-13 Osbourn Park Play Video Search video... Halftime 9-13 Osbourn Park Play Video Halftime 9-6 Langley Play Video Performance After the Parent Meeting Play Video Practice Live Stream Play Video

  • Harris Teeter | Herndon High School Band

    HARRIS TEETER TOGETHER IN EDUCATION Link your Harris Teeter VIC Card to the HHSBPA and The Pride will receive a portion of every dollar you spend. Visit Harris Teeter’s Together In Education Web Site and enter School Code 6075 .If you do not have a VIC Card, you can create an account here .​ Link Your VIC need help? Email other ways to support the band: PAYPAL GIVING FUND Donate MAIL ​ ​ Mail your checks to HHSBPA Send to PO Box 1293 Herndon, VA 20172-1293 email

  • Bradley M. Johnson | Herndon High School Band

    < Back Bradley M. Johnson Marching Techs, Marching Band Mr. Johnson has been a part of the Herndon band community since he completed his student teaching working with the Herndon concert bands in 2000. For the past eight years, Mr. Johnson has served as a band staff member for the Pride of Herndon marching band. He is currently an instrumental music teacher for Arlington Public Schools in Virginia, where he serves Abingdon, Ashlawn, and Barcroft Elementary Schools, and this year will be the conductor of the Arlington County Junior Honors Band and Orchestra (4-6). He is also a choir member and conductor of the orchestral ensemble for The Church of the Epiphany, Herndon. When possible, Mr. Johnson also takes advantage of opportunities to play the French horn as soloist or in ensembles. Previous Next

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