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Shadow Needed

Marie Coleman


The Secretary shall keep the records and minutes of all Board, Executive Committee,  Annual and Special Meetings and be responsible for correspondence.

He/she shall provide the minutes from the immediate past meeting within ten (10) days of such  meeting.

He/she shall keep a current copy of the bylaws on hand for reference at all meetings.

The Secretary shall maintain a complete list of voting and non-voting members of the HHSBPA,  including name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address.

The Secretary shall record and maintain an inventory of all equipment owned by the HHSBPA  through purchase or donation, and may establish a committee to assist in the accurate  documentation of such inventory and the maintenance of current inventory records.

The Secretary shall be responsible for coordinating the reservation of facilities for use by the  HHSBPA with Herndon High School.

The Secretary may assist the Band Director with various awards and gifts.

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